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Anton Chertkov © 2023
Non Commercial Project
FRÆK 02 - The Future Issue
FRÆK is a magazine published once a year at the Münster School of Design. It covers various design related topics and functions as a sharing platform for students from different design fields. The FRAEK magazine is a semester project on it's own, about 20–25 people work on it. When we talk about the future then it becomes clear, there needs to happen a shift of the picture away from a "make-it-pretty-discipline" to integral, ressource-saving and sustainable design. Only by considering these crucial things designers can finally take a key position for change in our society.
This project is a work in progress. Content will be added soon!
This project is a work in progress. Content will be added soon!
We created a meteorite as an abstract symbol for change determination and opportunitys of the future. Just like human- kind it flies through space and time in an mostly unknown direction which makes it the perfect main graphic element.

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